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Empowering Women 
to make an Impact 

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Sunflower Seeds provides aspiring female leaders in Luxembourg with financial support, mentorship and more to enable them to take action for a better world.

With a focus on social and environmental impact projects based in Luxembourg or those with a strong connection to the Grand Duchy, Sunflower Seeds is opening doors for entrepreneurial and personal development initiatives led by women.

It’s all about creating a supportive environment where women can flourish and bring their change-making ideas to life.

Women in Business

What we do


Sunflower Seeds enables socially and environmentally impactful initiatives by providing financial and non-financial support to women.

Project Eligibility Criteria


  • Personal development initiative

  • Entrepreneurial Initiative, both for- and non-profit

  • Projects must be based in Luxembourg or have a clear connection to  Luxembourg 

Beneficiary Eligibility Criteria


  • Female

  • >18 years of age

  • Show evidence of entrepreneurship or change leadership (or the potential for these).

  • Desire to create a more sustainable and inclusive world.

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Inspired by Corinne Molitor’s life and professional achievements, Sunflower Seeds’s goal is to empower women to exercise their leadership while contributing to a more sustainable world, respectful of human beings and the environment.

Sunflower Seeds was established thanks to generous donations made in memory of Corinne Molitor and contributions from ADA - Appui au Développement Autonome, and Innpact S.A.


We invite further donations and support to advance our mission of fostering women's entrepreneurship in Luxembourg.

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